Research Journal

What is the Research Journal?

The purpose of the Research Journal is to promote robust research informed practice in international education and to reflect on the interconnectedness of educational theory, research and practice.

Submissions to the Research Journal

Submissions remain open year round and should be sent to Articles will be peer-reviewed by an editorial board prior to final acceptance.

Author guidelines

Articles of roughly 4000 words should be submitted electronically in a Word document, font Arial 11. References should adhere to APA guidelines.

Submissions should include the following information:
  • Author’s name and institutional affiliation
  • Title 
  • Abstract of 100 words or less to include a statement of contribution to the literature in language accessible to a non-expert in your field 
  • Keywords

Research should adhere to internationally accepted guidelines. See BERA, Ethical Guidelines for research in education.

Authors should indicate prior publication of any portion of the material that has been published previously to ensure appropriate attribution and permissions.

Latest edition - Spring 2024